
New plants will start being ninja restocked…the poor website cannot handle the excitement of the regular restocks. Finally coming out of winter and propagating. Look for new plants to arrive on the website as the warm weather kicks everything into gear!

Anthuriums grow best in tropical areas or greenhouses. They really prefer to be warm as far as growth goes. Temperatures in the 70-90 degree range are optimal. Anthuriums will not stand for freezing temps.

It is also very important that Anthuriums are planted in a well draining soil mix. As with many aroids, they like lots of water, but they certainly don’t want to sit wet. A good rule of thumb is that if the soil is still wet from the last watering, it doesn’t need more water. That is the quickest way to rot them. Don’t be afraid to stick your finger in the soil a couple inches. It’s often dry on the surface but sopping wet in the middle. I love the large chunks of perlite and tree fern to add to a peat based mix for optimal drainage.

Another unusual thing about many climbing aroids is the absolutely amazing difference between an immature plant and a mature plant that is left to climb. Totems (or trees if you live in a warm area) are best. Many years ago it occurred to me that I was repeatedly buying the same philodendron in different stages of maturity!

I’ve also found that Anthuriums, especially some of the large leaved varieties, love to have a nice totem and added sphagnum. Not only do they get larger leaves, but they can sometimes snap their own necks if they don’t have some support. If they were still growing in their native habitat, they would be climbing a tree with all kinds of leaves and other plants all around them for support.

I usually use baskets with soil and moss packed around them for the hanging anthuriums. This gives them the room for the leaves to grow down while offering proper drainage. The roots will attach to the wood and hang out of the basket. They do well this way, but I find it a pain to repot them. I just usually repot the whole basket into the new one, so as not to disturb the roots. These species usually grow in trees or on the sides of cliffs. Being epiphytic, anthuriums really need proper air circulation as well.

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